000376_news@columbia.edu_Tue Nov 14 00:29:50 1995.msg
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From: tcmayo%eng112@apakabar.cc.columbia.edu (Tom Mayo N1RMU)
Newsgroups: comp.dcom.lans.ethernet,comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: Ethernet / Kermit
Date: 14 Nov 1995 00:29:50 GMT
Organization: Lockheed Martin Corp, Valley Forge PA
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I am trying to add a low-tech node to my home LAN. My downstairs
neighbor and I already run two Linux boxes on our Ethernet with no
problems. I want to add my 286 to the network. It has a 3COM 3C503
and I have installed the Crynwr packet driver for this card with cmd
line 3c503 0x78. It seems to work ok with TELNETD, but what I would
like is to run Kermit so I can connect to the other nodes.
Our little network is with fang at and tuning at Communication between fang and tuning is superfine. The
286 is cheesebox at I am using the MSCUSTOM.INI file at the
end of the message on cheesebox. The problem is that I get the following
message when I try to connect from cheesebox at the Kermit prompt:
resolving addres of host
unable to ARP resolve
unable to contact the host
the host may be down or a gateway may be needed
?cannot start the connection
When I run pkttraf (came with Crynwr) I see the Ethernet addresses
of both fang and cheesebox as I do a ping or traceroute from fang,
but when I run Kermit, it just sits there not echoing the ping or acking
that it exists at all.
Here is my MSCUSTOM.INI:
; SAMPLE individual customization file for MS-DOS Kermit 3.14.
; Make any desired changes, and then store this file in the same directory
; as your MSKERMIT.INI initialization file.
; Author: Christine M. Gianone, Sep 1992
; Revised: Jun 1993 for version 3.13
; Revised: Jan 1995 for version 3.14
if < \v(version) 314 -
stop 1 -
This MSCUSTOM.INI file may be used only with MS-DOS Kermit 3.14 or later.
echo Executing SAMPLE MS-DOS Kermit customization file, \v(cmdfile)...
echo Please edit this file to suit your needs and preferences.
COMMENT - Autodownload and autoupload are disabled by default, see KERMIT.UPD.
check term
if fail forward XFER
ec Auto-upload and -download disabled.
ec Use SET TERMINAL APC ON to enable.
; set terminal apc on ; Uncomment to enable this feature.
COMMENT - Sample file transfer preferences.
set block 3 ; 16-bit CRC for strong error checking.
set window 4 ; 4 Window slots.
set receive packet-length 2000 ; Packet length is governed by receiver.
set control prefix all ; Prefix all control characters.
; Macros for transferring files in text and binary mode...
define bsend binary, send \%1 \%2 ; SEND in binary mode
define tsend text, send \%1 \%2 ; SEND in text mode
define bget binary, get \%1 ; GET in binary mode
define tget text, get \%1 ; GET in text mode
COMMENT - TCP/IP network configuration.
check tcp
if fail forward notcp
; If your site has a BOOTP server and your PC is registered in it, the only
; command you need here is the following SET TCP/IP ADDRESS BOOTP command.
; You will also need the SET TCP/IP DOMAIN command if your BOOTP server is
; not at RFC1395 level and/or does not provide your PC's hostname (substitute
; your PC's real hostname for FOO.BAR.EDU).
; set tcp address BOOTP ; BOOTP will tell me my IP address
; SET TCP/IP DOMAIN MAYO.ORG ; My network's domain name
; Otherwise, to use TCP/IP connections, replace the dummy values below with
; appropriate values for your network (DON'T MAKE THEM UP! - consult your
; network manager) and uncomment the SET TCP/IP commands.
SET TCP/IP ADDRESS ; My PC's numeric IP address
SET TCP/IP SUBNETMASK ; My physical network's subnet mask
SET TCP/IP DOMAIN MAYO.ORG ; My PC's fully qualified domain name
; SET TCP/IP GATEWAY ; My network gateway's IP address
; SET TCP/IP PRIMARY-NAMESERVER ; Primary nameserver's address
; SET TCP/IP SECONDARY-NAMESERVER ; fallback nameserver address
SET TCP/IP BROADCAST ; My network's broadcast address
; Sample macro that shows how to use the session manager to access
; a particular host, called MYHOST. Make one of these for each host you
; commonly access. The first time you type "myhost" you'll get a new
; connection (and a session number), and subsequent times, the same session
; will be continued. This allows for easy session-switching from the
; MS-Kermit> prompt. You can also use Alt-n (\KnextSession) to toggle among
; sessions while in CONNECT mode. The TELNET macro is defined in MSKERMIT.INI.
define myhost -
telnet myhost 23 vt320,-
if success assign myhost telnet \v(session)
; Add your own macro definitions, key settings, color selections, etc, here,
; for example:
; set modem hayes ; Change this to your modem type, see MODEMS\READ.ME.
; set printer nul ; Uncomment this if you do NOT have a printer.
set port 1 ; Change if desired. If COM3 or 4, read KERMIT.BWR.
set speed 9600 ; Change if desired.
set flow xon/xoff ; Change to RTS/CTS if modem is configured for this.
check term
if fail end 0
set term type vt100 ; Change this if desired.
set term bytesize 8 ; Change to 8 if desired.
;set term color 0 34 47 ; Terminal screen fore- and background colors.
;set term under 0 33 47 ; Underscore simulation colors.
; take \v(inidir)keyboard\vt300.ini ; Uncomment for full VT320 key mappings.
Thank you for reading this.
Tom Mayo E-MAIL: WORK: tcmayo@mntr02.psf.ge.com HOME: mayo@adams.berk.net
N1RMU PACKET: N1RMU @ WA2UMX.#ENY.NY.US.NA .. ._.. .. _._ . _._. .__
For PGP public key, e-mail me at work with subject send_pgp_key.